1000kva, 11000 400v Distributor Transformer

500kva, 11000 400v Distributor Transformer

Distributor Transformer

25kVA 33/0.4 Distributor Transformer

800kva, 11000 400v Distributor Transformer


Our transformer manufacturing division has the capacity to manufacture power & distribution transformers up to 5MVA @ 132kV.

Full test facilities to perform all routine tests:

  • Insulation resistance
  • Voltage ratio and polarity
  • High voltage withstand test
  • Induced over voltage (inter-turn test)
  • Losses and impedance

A fully mobile On-site Technical Services Team that collects, samples and analyses transformer oil samples via an independent SAZ registered laboratory. The oil analysis results are used to make recommendations about further on-site maintenance, repairs or oil purification or replacement.

    Technical Services

    Transformer oil sampling:

    • Reliable on-site oil sample collection and management
    • Oil sample testing and analysis by a SAZ accredited laboratory
    • Sample testing for:

    –  Dielectric strength
    –  Moisture content
    –  Acidity
    –  Dissolved gasses
    –  PCB testing with supply of labelling
    –  Furanic testing (degradation of insulation)

    • Any Brand full transformer repair
    • All other testing requirements on transformer oil sampling
    • Managed results that are stored for future referencing and analysis
    • Detailed assessment reports on the transformer condition (oil leaks, paint condition and recommended repairs)
    • Feedback (records and reports) to customers in hard copy and electronically
    • On-site cleaning and painting of transformers
    • On-site transformer repair services including:

    –  Transformer oil purification
    –  Transformer oil replacement
    –  Gaskets and oil seal replacement
    –  Repair of oil leaks